Tuesday, November 16, 2010


GUILTY. I am guilty and plead guilty to all offenses. Sorry?

No, I am not sorry. I will, however, take accountability for not posting a blog. As I have said before or have tried to make it clear...I am mostly doing this for myself in a way to help others (which helps me-which helps others)

Life is....good. Life is very good. And I type that with a huge smile on my face. I have never really felt this confident in...ever. It truly is a remarkable feeling, that of confidence-something I have worked hard to retrieve back, something I worked hard at ever having. It's been awhile since I can say it, that I'm good, happy, established. I worked hard for this feeling and state of being. I am so proud of it. It didn't take a man, a built up bank, friends or even my family. Sure some have helped, my family is a huge part of where I am...but when it comes down to it-it's all me.

I'm not going to lie, I still have my moments of weakness....where I miss people, I miss parts of the past....but hell I miss being a five year old...doesn't mean I wish I was five again. At the end of the day I am grateful and I feel full (not of food) but of contentment and mostly pride-the healthy kind. The kind that lets you feel your own success without the shine of success buffering out others. Overly confident? To say the least. This is just a new feeling that I am fully aware of....so it sticks out like a bright new shirt that has never been washed. Being insecure and depressed isn't such of a deal since it was something I constantly felt.

I am getting tired. Honestly. I could fall asleep, naturally.